Five WTF!RPG Honorable Mentions (Various) by rvel
August 24, 2009, 12:00 pm
Filed under: WTF Moments, WTF!RPG | Tags: , , , , , ,

During the long long hiatus of WTF moments (which Mawf’s game gladly broke) there had been indeed real close calls in reaching the brand of WTFS.  But didn’t quite reach it.  These are a few lists of those little almost WTFs that at least, deserve to be named…

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WTF!Character Feature: Monkeys, Mana-Charged Mangoes, and the Animal Channel (nMAGE) by rvel
August 21, 2009, 12:00 pm
Filed under: Character Features, WTF!RPG | Tags: , , , , , ,

This latest WTF is brought to us by Tentaclese, the selfsame guy who created Bjorn the Zombie Viking.  He is currently in Canada, and there, he is running an Nmage game for his gaming group.  I hear that the game is going on well… yet what’s a game without a WTF moment?  This entry has been sitting for a long time in my queue folders, and I almost forgot about it… well, better late than never as I always say.

OldVet - Monkey's Uncle


Imagine a natural-born modern monkey that speaks perfect english and can give DC’s Alfred a run for his money as the best butler in town.  Impeccable, loyal, and far more eloquent than his master – This self-dubbed Tulfa Monkey Butler is only one of the most recent WTFs created in Tentaclese’s nMage game.  The character responsible for such an english-speaking genius socialite Butler Monkey was a mage player who had an extremely unhealthy fascination with the Animal Planet Channel.  The character had mana-infused mangoes that needed daily tending and fruit-picking, and the player presided that it would be pretty suspicious if people saw a common MAID picking up mana-infused mangoes.  (How he came with that idea is beyond me.)

Thus, the idea to create a monkey to fetch the said mangoes was born.

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WTF!RPG Moment: The Chicken, The Jello, and the Voltage Generator (MtA) by rvel
September 3, 2008, 12:04 pm
Filed under: WTF Moments, WTF!RPG | Tags: , , , , ,

This is perhaps one of the most WTF moments we ever had in our game, and worse, it happened in a serious, dark genre campaign of NWoD Mage.

Serious characters include the Grizzled Cop with a brooding hatred for vampires, since they killed his former squad.  The dangerously curious occultist, whose obsession for magic has led him to acquire the ill-fated and cursed Hand of Glory.  And a rich student activist thats been thrown into a new more supernatural world, which is changing his view slowly.   And this is an example of how bad something can turn when left to the wild ideas of crazed players. >.< Anyway, with no further ado…

A tale of murder and mystery gone wrong…

The tale began when there were a string of murders in the Boston area, all exanguinated  – blood and water completely drained from the body.  The officer in charge of the investigation, Jack Maclaine (the grizzled old cop) initially thought it was vampire business and went on a bloodhunt against them.  In the way, he meets up with an occultist, whose expertise he needed to solve the mystery – whilst tagging along is a political student who was nagging him continuously about his “dreams and nightmares.”   So there, it starts like any supernatural urban mystery about to unfold.  Unfortunately it went really bad when the group managed to track down the whereabouts of the monster.

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